London Junior Chess Championships Finals 2023 - 91st event

Timings, fees and prizes

The late entry fee is £10 - please pay early! The late penalty fee of £10 is due for entry fees received after 12 December for the Under 10 and Under 14 events and after 22 December for the other events.

Discounts only apply if the entry fee is received by the late fee date for the specified event. A full entry fee and late fee are due for entries fees received after this date.

Entries on the day and players who have not paid in advance. All entry fees are due in full before the start of the second round of the first day.

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Skip to Under 8 Skip to Under 10 Skip to Under 12
Skip to Under 14 Skip to Under 16 Skip to Under 18/21

Under 8

Qualification necessary

All moves in 30 minutes each plus 10 seconds per move added. Rapidplay rules apply.

Dates: Friday and Saturday, 29 and 30 December

Round Times (7 Rounds):
Round   1 2 3 4   5 6 7
Time Friday 09:45 12:00 14:00 16:00 Saturday 09:45 12:00 14:00

Prize giving: Saturday 30 Dec 16:00

Entry Fee: £25. First Prize: £100

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Under 10

Qualification necessary

All moves in 50 minutes each plus 10 seconds per move added.

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, 16 and 17 December

Round Times (7 Rounds):

Round   1 2 3 4   5 6 7
Time Saturday 09:45 12:30 15:00 17:30 Sunday 09:45 12:30 15:00

Prize giving: Sunday 17 Dec 17:30

Entry Fees Major: £30, Minor: £30

First Prize Major: £150, Minor: £100
Players scoring 4.5 points or more will be invited to play in the appropriate U-12 Final.

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Under 12

Qualification necessary

U12 Major is a FIDE-rated 6 round event
Players in this event should be members of the ECF (Gold or Platinum level) or of their National Federation. Players of other countries without a FIDE rating must show proof of membership. Any player found to be ineligible will be disqualified from the event and their games not rated. There will be no refund of entry fee.

Major: all moves in 80 minutes each plus 10 seconds per move.

Minor: all moves in 70 minutes each plus 10 seconds per move

Dates: Thursday,Friday,Saturday 28, 29 and 30 December

Round Times (9 Rounds):

Round   1 2 3   4 5 6   7 8 9
Time Thursday 09:45 13:00 16:15 Friday 09:45 13:00 16:15 Saturday 09:45 13:00 16:15

Prize giving: Saturday 30 Dec 19:30

Entry Fees Major: £40, Minor: £40

First Prize Major: £200, Minor: £150

High scorers in the U12 Major will have their email addresses shared with the managers of the National Junior Squad.

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Under 14

All moves in 80 minutes each plus 10 seconds per move added.

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, 16 and 17 December

Major: Open to any Under 14.

Minor: Open to any Under 14 with a rating below 1601.

Round Times (6 Rounds):

Round   1 2 3   4 5 6
Time Saturday 09:45 13:20 16:40 Sunday 09:45 13:05 16:25

Prize giving: Sunday 17 Dec 19:30

Entry Fees Major: £40

Entry Fees Minor: £40

A FIDE-rated 6 round event
Players in this event should be members of the ECF (Gold or Platinum level) or of their National Federation. Players of other countries without a FIDE rating must show proof of membership. Any player found to be ineligible will be disqualified from the event and their games not rated. There will be no refund of entry fee.

First Prize Major: £200

First Prize Minor: £150

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Under 16

A FIDE-rated 6 round event
Players in this event should be members of the ECF (Gold or Platinum level) or of their National Federation. Players of other countries without a FIDE rating must show proof of membership. Any player found to be ineligible will be disqualified from the event and their games not rated. There will be no refund of entry fee.

All moves in 90 minutes each plus 30 seconds per move added.

Dates: Thursday,Friday,Saturday 28, 29 and 30 December

Round Times:

Round   1 2   3 4   5 6
Time Thursday 09:45 14:30 Friday 09:45 14:30 Saturday 09:45 14:30

Prize giving: Saturday 30 Dec 18:30

Entry Fee: £45

First Prize: £200

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Under 18/21/Open

Jointly as a FIDE-rated 6 round event. An Under 18 clear winner in this event would hold both titles and trophies.
Players in this event should be members of the ECF (Gold or Platinum level) or of their National Federation. Players of other countries without a FIDE rating must show proof of membership. Any player found to be ineligible will be disqualified from the event and their games not rated. There will be no refund of entry fee.

All moves in 120 minutes each plus 30 seconds per move added.

Dates: Thursday,Friday,Saturday 28, 29 and 30 December

Round Times:

Round   1 2   3 4   5 6
Time Thursday 09:45 15:30 Friday 09:45 15:30 Saturday 09:45 15:30

Prize giving: Saturday 30 Dec 20:30

Entry Fee: £45

First Prize: £250

All information believed correct at time of publication.

For further information regarding the championships, please email the congress manager.


This site is maintained by Nathanael Lutton. All information is believed correct at the time of publication.