Rules for the LJCC finals
Section by section details for 2024
All events are Swiss competitions, not knockouts. This means that all players are expected to play in every round, unless they are given a bye. If you need to withdraw from your event part way through you must advise the controller. If you have to withdraw before the event starts, please advise the organisers.
Qualification for the finals
To play in the Under 8, Under 10 or Under 12 Finals players must qualify, either by rating or via a qualifying event. No qualification is necessary to play in the older age groups. From a qualfiying event, these are the scores needed to qualify:
Under 8 - 4 points or more out of 6 qualifies for the final.
Under 10 Major - 4.5 points or more out of 6 qualifies for the final.
Under 10 Minor - 3.5 points or 4 points out of 6 qualifies for the final.
Under 12 Major - 4.5 points or more out of 6 qualifies for the final.
Under 12 Minor - 3.5 points or 4 points out of 6 qualifies for the final.
Players who qualify for a Major event may not play in the corresponding Minor event. Players unable to obtain a qualification score but who feel they have a strong claim for entry should contact the Congress Manager, Angela Eyton.
Pre-qualification for the Under 8 event, the Under 10 Major and the Under 12 Major is by published ECF Rating (Standard or Rapid Play A or K) as follows:
Under 8 Rating 1250 or higher
Under 10 Rating 1500 or higher
Under 12 Rating 1750 or higher
Clocks will be used on all boards in all events.
Late arrival for any round. Players arriving after the re-pairing time of any round may be deemed to have lost by default, unless the controller can pair them satisfactorily. Players whose opponents have not arrived must expect to be re-paired.
Re-pairing times
Under 18/21: 30 minutes
Under 16: 30 minutes
Under 14 and Under 12: 20 minutes
Under 10 and Under 8: 15 minutes
Recording of games
All games must be recorded, except in the Under 8 section. A player will be required to make up any moves missing from their score sheet according to the ECF rules of chess. Recording your game means writing down all the moves. It is not difficult but for the benefit of young players who have not done this before here is a link to some instructions. How to read and write chess notation...
It is a condition of entry that players agree to their rating information being published by the ECF (English Chess Federation). This information (Rating Referrence Number, Name, Club(s), Rating(s), Rating Category) is published as part of the Rating list on the ECF Rating website. If you wish to have these details withheld from the website version of the Rating List please contact the ECF. The ECF website also contains information about the rating system.
The expectation is that all players will play in every round but when there is an odd number of players available for a particular round, the section controller will give one player a one point bye. Where possible the player will be paired with someone from another section for a practice game.
Optional Half Point Bye Any competitor may request a half point bye in any round except the last. There is no obligation to do this - most players play in every round. If you wish to take a half point bye please make this clear on your entry form, email your request to the Congress Manager or inform your section controller at least two rounds in advance of the round in question. Only one round may be missed in this way. If you need to miss additional rounds you must inform the arbiter (or organisers) and you will receive zero points for each additional round missed.
Prizes and trophies
All advertised prizes are guaranteed. All trophies and titles will be awarded from the Major events.
The London Championships Available in all events except the Under 21. Subject to a minimum score of 50%, the leading London players will be awarded the titles.
Eligibility for London titles and trophies Except in the Under 21 Championship, London trophies and titles will be awarded. Players born in, or who now live, work or attend an educational establishment inside the M25 Motorway will be eligible for these prizes. Please say on the entry form if you are eligible.
Leading Girls or Leading Boys Cash prizes will be awarded subject to a minimum of 4 girls / boys respectively or a score of at least 50%.
SCCU Junior Prizes These will be awarded to players associated with a county affiliated to the Southern Counties Chess Union. The prizes are awarded to the best boy and the best girl in the following events:
Under 9 best boy and best girl in the Under 10 Major
Under 11 best boy and best girl in the Under 12 Major
Under 14 best boy and best girl in the Under 14 Major
Under 18 best boy and best girl in the Under 21
British Championship
Please refer to for full qualification details for the 2025 British Championship.
Parental Responsibility The organisers accept no responsibility for any loss, theft or accident during the tournament. Adult supervsion will only be provided in the chess playing areas. Parents or guardians are responsible for their children during the tournament. The organisers and helpers are not able to take responsibility for any child's actions, or the actions of anyone that may affect your child.
Players, or their parents or guardians as appropriate, agree to the terms and conditions as laid out in the entry form as a condition of their entry. (Errors and omissions excepted.)
Appeal Procedure From time to time there are disputes at an event following a ruling given by an arbiter... (read more)